Saturday, April 5, 2014

Siete QTs - And the Baby's calling...

Heat's not on. AC's not on. Windows open. Pollen's coming in… but I don't mind

--- 1 ---

R decided that she just has to have a 'sok-er jur-see' too so she's been hitching a ride to practice the past two weeks.

She pretty much wanders around and occasionally kicks the ball in the net and tries to monopolize one of the balls. I had thought I might be able to stick her on the field if we are short a player but this 2 yr old is well… 2.

Rain is in the forecast for our first game but we cannot stop talking about going to get ice cream after E scores a goal and I REALLY hope she can be brave enough to kick the ball away from the other team. 

--- 2 ---
E's 'engineering' - thanks Sesame Street for that word

Princess Duplos are so great to get little minds working to put things together. 

--- 3 ---

Homemade popsicles anyone?

Rest first. Popsicles later.

--- 4 ---

It was above 80 degrees this week and it was glorious!

E has been begging to get in the sprinkler since the day it got too cold to play in them last year. R remains skeptical of E's love for the water sport. 

--- 5 ---
Baby selflies….

Wait for it...

A little longer...


--- 6 ---
Please pray for this parish...

The above is what parishioners woke up to this morning. Their church burned to the ground. I have not had the privilege of visiting this parish but everyone says it is absolutely amazing. I cannot imagine what it is like to have a place with so many memories destroyed. 

--- 7 ---
Which segways into another church related take

It was kielbasa making time en La Casa de Kibbe this morning. Papa was cutting pork before 7 am. Several parishioners came to grind, mix, stuff and package 175 lbs of kielbasa for our parish fundraiser. The girls and I retreated to a friends house for a good part of the morning so we stayed away from the stinky mess. 

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