R's Birth Story

This post begins when I was 35 weeks pregnant and my doctor saying I was 1 and 75%. I mention this because that was the week before we moved and I knew that it would not be particularly convenient if baby came before we were somewhat settled in. So I was a lot more viligant about picking up E and basically stopped our afternoon walk. I had been having some Braxton Hicks contractions for a couple weeks something I did not have with E. I could tell they weren't the same as the real thing but the BH contractions were more of an annoyance. I went to my doctor appointment on Monday and still no change from the 35 week mark. By this time I was over being preggo and my doctor said he would induce me the next day but I definitely did not want that. My due date was Thursday of that week do I was not overdue yet so that was not in the cards. Even though I really wanted my doctor to deliver the baby - at this ob they do not rotate you through the doctors and I did not like the doctor who delivered E induction was not the answer for me.

Flash forward to Thursday night... I was having contraction maybe about 10 minutes apart but I did not really want to focus on them so I decided to go to sleep and see if my body would rouse us up for a 3 am ride to the hospital. Needless to say that did not happen. 7 am rolled around and I remember having a contraction about 10 minutes apart until 7:30 then I figured it would be a good idea to get out of bed and see what the day had in store. E and I got out the door late and I just took her straight to MMO because I was not prepared to take her into the office. On the way I had a number of calls and texts telling me I needed to get to the hospital and I was going to have this baby on the side of the road - blah blah blah - I genuinely appreciate and appreciated the concern, but really the contractions were not that bad or close and I had things to do at work. So around 11 I knew I needed to start migrating to Wil-town and called Jibbe and had her pick up E and called Lee to see what he was doing. He was cleaning the rental house for the tenants and said he needed to finish so I rushed down to Wil-town before the OB office closed for the weekend. I had a pretty good feeling I was in labor but I wanted to go to the office and not straight to the hospital.

I rolled into the parking lot 15 minutes before closing and was shuffled back to the doctor on call - my doctor was off that day. Turns out I was 5 cm! Hello labor!!!

A. So glad that I got to meet the doctor who was going to deliver the baby
B. The nurse looks at me and says you need to go to the hospital... now
C. Then she says, do you need me to call someone for you. I tell her no, that my husband is in the Mount working but he will come. Then she asks me how I got to the office. I explain that I drove. She sounds kind of surprised by this but then tells me that I need to go straight to the hospital and not drive back to the Mount to get Lee and then to the hospital.

So roll up to the hospital where there is one parking spot in the Emergency entrance. The security guard just looks at me and then is Johnny on the spot with a wheel chair. Get checked in and up to the room - same room that E was born in. At this point I am getting nervous because Lee is not there and I have no idea how fast or slow this labor is progressing. The nurses get me all hooked up and stuck with IVs and stuff and the nurse asks if I am okay and I want to scream... Ummm no my husband is not here and you just stuck me with a needle. Then 2.5 seconds later Lee finally bursts through the door and my nerves settle down.

After more hospital fanfare and questions we settle down in the room and watch the contractions on the monitor. They are not horrible just uncomfortable. I knew I needed to work with them if I was going to help the labor process. I was too tired and hung out in bed for a while. The nurse checked me and I was 5-6 after 1.5 hours. Then it was to the hallways. Lee and I walked the square track of the L&D floor for an hour. During that time the contractions made me stop in my tracks to breathe through them. Also, I was happy to see the hospital's lactation consultant in the halls - who was a super help with nursing E. She asked how E was and stuff but this is where my memory starts to get fuzzy. I am tired and in pain so we head back to the room. The nurse checks me again... 7. What only a 7 after all that. The contractions are getting increasingly uncomfortable so order up some Stadol.  Seriously worth every last penny they charge me and the insurance company. Its a narcotic so I just cared less about the pains of the contractions but could 110% still feel them. Speaking of caring apparently I cared alot about the other woman in the first room who was in labor. The nurses told me after the fact that I kept asking how she was doing and if she had the baby. Also during this hazy time I wanted Lee to read to me? He whipped out his smartphone and got the RSV off the shelf - I think he happened to be reading a book about scripture studies and I really did not care what he read - just that he read something. I have no idea what prompted this but I do remember it was very calming listening to his voice and then regaining focus on it once the contraction was over. He started off in the OT but then switched to Galatians, I think.

Who know how long he actually read - Lee had to stop because he battery was getting low. Then the doctor from earlier in the day rolls in and says I'm at nine so the end is in sight... Unfortunately as with E - the Stadol is just starting to wear off! The nurses start rushing around to get me prepped - wash me down in iodine, doctor give me some numbing medicine - which I did not get with E - push a few times, doctor turns baby around and bam baby is out. I do specifically remember shouting "Someone help me" but clearly the worst of it was over. I should note no stitches required! I am SO glad that the doctor who delivered E was not on call because I have serious bad memories of him

And it is a girl much to my and Lee's surprise. She is a screamer just like E. 7 lbs 12oz at 6:05 pm. R had a ton of hair. Her initials are the same as Lee's late father. The doctor snapped a few pics and gave them to us before we were taken to the regular room. He was awesome. If I did not like my doctor as much as I do - I would totally switch to him. I get wheeled back to the regular room and seriously I feel like they are holding R hostage because they won't bring her to me! It was shift change and blah blah blah and the nurse would come in and ask if she could get me anything and finally I said I just need my baby!!!!!!! Lee when out and get Chik Fil A and a Mint Oreo milkshake from Cookout. We told Jibbe to hold off and bring E in the morning because we did not know what she would think and the hospital is in a different county! Oh Wilson hospital I heart you. My nurses were awesome. I recognized some of them from my time in the hospital with E. E rolled in bright and early Saturday and was not really sure what to think but did not go screaming down the hall like I did when I saw my baby bro. We were discharged 24.5 hrs post birth and not a minute too soon because I was not trying to spend two nights in the hospital with people coming in and not being able to have R unless I was awake. We missed my parents epic Marti Gras party that Saturday night - but R was totally worth it.

***Special thanks to Jibbe for taking care of E. I seriously did not even have to think/worry about her while I was in labor because I knew E was going to have a blast and not worry about where I was.

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