Anyone else have a Melissa and Doug Sound puzzle and it random get activated when light switches are turned off????
Seriously was going to bed and turn the switch and the dog barks at me!!!! I totally forgot about the puzzle and my heart skipped a beat.... Grrrrrrr
The puzzle did similar things at my parents but different animal would be activated.
Oh and it dies not do that when the pieces are in but E is over those puzzles so I guess I will be on edge until the puzzle is dug out of the toy box by R
A deacon + a mom + more than a handful of kids = lots of adventures
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
In the car... 'I want to go to kindergarten'
While playing with toys... 'Bless the Lord, ohhhhhhh my soul!'
A. Not ready for you to go to big kid school
B. makes me so proud to be your mama
While playing with toys... 'Bless the Lord, ohhhhhhh my soul!'
A. Not ready for you to go to big kid school
B. makes me so proud to be your mama
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Baby toys...
Who needs baby toys when you have an old phone from the 90s to play with. Hours of entertainment. From the receiver onto the cord and then all the buttons!!!!
Food for Thought...
I stole this from a friend's FB status a few weeks ago and I wanted to post it on the blog so it would not get lost in the silly FB timeline thing. I think it is so so so true especially in the increasingly polarized nation/world we live in.
"Our culture has accepted two huge lies: The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate."
"Our culture has accepted two huge lies: The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate."

Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
July Update...
Here we go... Starting us off is the 4th of July. Unfortunately due to the insane heat we did not hit up the Castalia parade. We did tape the Boston fireworks so E could watch them and she freaked out and did not want to watch them but once we started them she was fine. Now she wants to go to a Mudcats game to see more fireworks : )
A note about some of the pics from this month... E is obsessed with taking pics with R so every other morning we have a little photo session in my supremely awesome chair. Every mom needs a chair like this... Anyway....
R has been enjoying her jumper and jumping with E. She loves it when I sing bouncing bouncing bibis and when E jumps with her!
The girls and I headed down to Wilmington to hang out with some UNC friends. We headed out to the pool. Hopefully Erin got some better pics of the girls then I did. E was skeptical of the water as usual. R chilled out for most of the time but at the end I took her in and put her under. She was not really mad about it. E had an intense meltdown on the way out... About skipping those naps....
Somehow R always ends up getting smushed in these pictures but then when she leans on E - E freaks out and screams no R no R - mama she's touching me. It is highly comical.
I have no idea about where E got the idea with her hands???
I LOVE how E sleeps. She is still a good afternoon napper and when she does not get her nap... watch out!
E and Papa mowed the grass one afternoon and now Papa cannot escape mowing the yard without her
R is way into her toes - but not much for the thumb. She is still not into rolling from back to front yet. She loves the jumper and it is alot easier to put her in that rather than have her on the mat and then screaming 7 minutes later.
R has learned how to scoot in the crib and when she is really mad about her nap she will wedge herself into the corner and I will have to drag her out... Silly bee-let
I LOVE R's expression... I was not kidding when we do group photo sessions often!
I broke down and gave R food despite trying to hold out to 6 months. It was not a sleeping thing or anything like that - she seriously tracked every fork, spoon or cup that we raised to our mouths. I think I started her off on bananas which make for some interesting diapers then apples, peaches and carrots. Forget baby food and bibs. It is so much easier/cheaper/tastier to crush up the real deal and take her outfit off and then do a big rinse after. Bibs are just so germy - or at least in my mind.
I have no idea...
Probably one of my newest favorite pics of the girls. I cannot wait for R to start toddling around with E because they both are going to LOVE it. Well maybe I can wait a few months but I just know that they are going to be best friends which makes the daily grind all worth it.
Lee/Deacon Joseph - I still have not wrapped my mind/finger around call him that had a birthday so E was thrilled about the prospect of cake and Rocky Road - which I cannot stand, well its tolerable but in ice cream are not too tasty to marshmallows me. For Lee's birthday I got him some pretty sweet seats at a Nats game for when we go to DC.
A note about some of the pics from this month... E is obsessed with taking pics with R so every other morning we have a little photo session in my supremely awesome chair. Every mom needs a chair like this... Anyway....
R has been enjoying her jumper and jumping with E. She loves it when I sing bouncing bouncing bibis and when E jumps with her!
The girls and I headed down to Wilmington to hang out with some UNC friends. We headed out to the pool. Hopefully Erin got some better pics of the girls then I did. E was skeptical of the water as usual. R chilled out for most of the time but at the end I took her in and put her under. She was not really mad about it. E had an intense meltdown on the way out... About skipping those naps....
Somehow R always ends up getting smushed in these pictures but then when she leans on E - E freaks out and screams no R no R - mama she's touching me. It is highly comical.
I have no idea about where E got the idea with her hands???
Thumb eating big sis, toe eating little sis
I LOVE how E sleeps. She is still a good afternoon napper and when she does not get her nap... watch out!
E and Papa mowed the grass one afternoon and now Papa cannot escape mowing the yard without her
R is way into her toes - but not much for the thumb. She is still not into rolling from back to front yet. She loves the jumper and it is alot easier to put her in that rather than have her on the mat and then screaming 7 minutes later.
R has learned how to scoot in the crib and when she is really mad about her nap she will wedge herself into the corner and I will have to drag her out... Silly bee-let
I LOVE R's expression... I was not kidding when we do group photo sessions often!
I broke down and gave R food despite trying to hold out to 6 months. It was not a sleeping thing or anything like that - she seriously tracked every fork, spoon or cup that we raised to our mouths. I think I started her off on bananas which make for some interesting diapers then apples, peaches and carrots. Forget baby food and bibs. It is so much easier/cheaper/tastier to crush up the real deal and take her outfit off and then do a big rinse after. Bibs are just so germy - or at least in my mind.
I have no idea...
Probably one of my newest favorite pics of the girls. I cannot wait for R to start toddling around with E because they both are going to LOVE it. Well maybe I can wait a few months but I just know that they are going to be best friends which makes the daily grind all worth it.
Lee/Deacon Joseph - I still have not wrapped my mind/finger around call him that had a birthday so E was thrilled about the prospect of cake and Rocky Road - which I cannot stand, well its tolerable but in ice cream are not too tasty to marshmallows me. For Lee's birthday I got him some pretty sweet seats at a Nats game for when we go to DC.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Princess Party
Toddler parties are hilarious but can get overwhelming when it comes to presents - fortunately we escaped with no tears
Castle Puzzle Success
48 piece puzzle complete and Lee and I did not touch a single piece. R cheered her on the whole time
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Adventures in self dressing
This is the second time E has put on a dress and a skirt but only the first time I caught it before she went to school...
Monday, August 6, 2012
Say it ain't so...
After everything I said about a minivan Lee and I are proud minivan drivers. I think Lee likes it more than I. Here I go again eating my words... I am actually loving the van and all the cool gadgets and the conveniences. Ohhh the van!!!!
Signs of the End of Summer - Part 1
Our life is very much defined by the seasons in this house - mainly because pool season can be such an all consuming 3 months 5.5 months for Papa. So late last night I was pleasantly reminded having an identity crisis over the fact that E is going to be in preschool in less than a month. Hello... how did that happen??? So I am exciting that school means the fall is well on its way I cannot believe Miss Independence is going to actual school.
I have been talking to her about preschool. I ask her what she is doing in September and her excited response is "two-year-old class" - which does require some interpretation for the untuned ear. She knows her teachers names. I ask her what she gets to bring to her 2-yr-old class and she shouts - BOOKBAG!
This is one way I figure she can visually understand the difference between MMO and preschool - because they are at the same place. She will continue to bring her tote bag to MMO and then a bookbag to preschool. Enter new bookbag. LL Bean has the best bookbags from way back - I still have one of mine from high school (gasp). So I show E the backpack options and not to my surprise she goes for the pink polka dots. She makes me smile.
Cannot wait to learn what this preschool adventure will hold.
I have been talking to her about preschool. I ask her what she is doing in September and her excited response is "two-year-old class" - which does require some interpretation for the untuned ear. She knows her teachers names. I ask her what she gets to bring to her 2-yr-old class and she shouts - BOOKBAG!
This is one way I figure she can visually understand the difference between MMO and preschool - because they are at the same place. She will continue to bring her tote bag to MMO and then a bookbag to preschool. Enter new bookbag. LL Bean has the best bookbags from way back - I still have one of mine from high school (gasp). So I show E the backpack options and not to my surprise she goes for the pink polka dots. She makes me smile.
Cannot wait to learn what this preschool adventure will hold.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
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