A deacon + a mom + more than a handful of kids = lots of adventures
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Soapbox Moment... NYC Breastfeeding
Please read this article for background.
I'm having a bit of a soapbox moment about the latest breastfeeding news out of NYC. The mayor is pushing moms in NYC hospitals to breastfeed their newborns. Now I am all about breastfeeding for sure however moms should have the right to choose how their child is nourished and should not be admonished for bottle feeding their child. Supposedly formula will be 'hid' in hospital and mothers who request a bottle will be given a speech about how they should be breastfeeding.
A. Who gets out of bed and gets a bottle for their kid at the hospital anyways? So what difference does it make if its under lock and key???
B. If I was a hormonal basket case and I wanted to bottle feed my child I would feel sorry for the nurse who would give me that speech because I would give him/her a piece of my mind.
C. Can you imagine if something remotely similar was proposed for women seeking an abortion - that they can have an abortion but let me give you a speech about how its better for your child if you don't have one - hmmm.... pretty sure that would NEVER happen but breastfeeding? Please explain.
D. Not a chance in the world I would go to one of those hospitals - good things Wil-town is not like that. On a pro-breastfeeding note just to prove I am all about it - there is a sweet Big Latch breastfeeding event that R and I will be going to on Saturday and E and her baby might tag along too!
E. Why in the world is Mr. Mayor Michael Bloomberg forcing breastfeeding on mothers when I am pretty sure he has never and will never and can never breastfeed a child!
Okay just needed to put that all out there.
I'm having a bit of a soapbox moment about the latest breastfeeding news out of NYC. The mayor is pushing moms in NYC hospitals to breastfeed their newborns. Now I am all about breastfeeding for sure however moms should have the right to choose how their child is nourished and should not be admonished for bottle feeding their child. Supposedly formula will be 'hid' in hospital and mothers who request a bottle will be given a speech about how they should be breastfeeding.
A. Who gets out of bed and gets a bottle for their kid at the hospital anyways? So what difference does it make if its under lock and key???
B. If I was a hormonal basket case and I wanted to bottle feed my child I would feel sorry for the nurse who would give me that speech because I would give him/her a piece of my mind.
C. Can you imagine if something remotely similar was proposed for women seeking an abortion - that they can have an abortion but let me give you a speech about how its better for your child if you don't have one - hmmm.... pretty sure that would NEVER happen but breastfeeding? Please explain.
D. Not a chance in the world I would go to one of those hospitals - good things Wil-town is not like that. On a pro-breastfeeding note just to prove I am all about it - there is a sweet Big Latch breastfeeding event that R and I will be going to on Saturday and E and her baby might tag along too!
E. Why in the world is Mr. Mayor Michael Bloomberg forcing breastfeeding on mothers when I am pretty sure he has never and will never and can never breastfeed a child!
Okay just needed to put that all out there.

Friday, July 27, 2012
Narrowing the Options...
I went by Ford yesterday to get some info on the Expedition and to find out the trade in value of the Explorer - did I mention I do not like anything about that car anymore. Turns out the car was in a wreck up in Michigan which the White's Ford in Roanoke Rapid did not disclose to us (because it was not 25A% of the vehicle value) but there was some level of trust because we do business with the guy who sold us the car. I really want to give him a peace of my mind but Lee won't let me. So lesson learned - White's Ford screwed us and you cannot trust used car people even if you think you can.
Anyways point of the story is that the Expedition does not even narrowly fit the double stroller with the third row up - it just straight up won't so Expedition EL is the only viable option - which Ford RMT does not have on the lot but they can bring one in. List price is 51K?!?!?!? Say WHAT???? Clearly we would not pay list but the Minivan Mama (aka the Odyssey) is 37K list. So onward and upward to the Honda dealership today to check out one of those. Also the gas mileage on the MM is much better - in the 7-8 mpg range. I am bringing the Zooper with me to check the loadability.
Now to bring things full circle... My beloved Sprinter Van about the same price as the Expedition EL - maybe a few K more but when you are talking about that much then its all about the same right? So we would be crazy to drive around 2 kids in a Sprinter Van or at least get some crazy looks but if we are going to spend that much we might as well get the best, right?
Maybe we will just keep the Explorer after all and see how much more $$$ we can dump into it. The Sirpenteen belt has been replaced, new tires, new radiator, new coolant lines, rebuilt engine and only 69K - we are going for a record here - oh yeah and that sweet accident.
Anyways point of the story is that the Expedition does not even narrowly fit the double stroller with the third row up - it just straight up won't so Expedition EL is the only viable option - which Ford RMT does not have on the lot but they can bring one in. List price is 51K?!?!?!? Say WHAT???? Clearly we would not pay list but the Minivan Mama (aka the Odyssey) is 37K list. So onward and upward to the Honda dealership today to check out one of those. Also the gas mileage on the MM is much better - in the 7-8 mpg range. I am bringing the Zooper with me to check the loadability.
Now to bring things full circle... My beloved Sprinter Van about the same price as the Expedition EL - maybe a few K more but when you are talking about that much then its all about the same right? So we would be crazy to drive around 2 kids in a Sprinter Van or at least get some crazy looks but if we are going to spend that much we might as well get the best, right?
Maybe we will just keep the Explorer after all and see how much more $$$ we can dump into it. The Sirpenteen belt has been replaced, new tires, new radiator, new coolant lines, rebuilt engine and only 69K - we are going for a record here - oh yeah and that sweet accident.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
A new car...
So we are in the market for a new/different car. Lee and I have decided that we are not really ready to have more problems with the current Explorer - though it is not fixed yet. I drove down to Wilmington the weekend before the breakdown/meltdown (PS - every single valve in the engine was bend due to a slip/misfire by the time chain) and it would have been bed news bears to be stuck on the side of the road away from home with the girls. So we are really hoping we can swing a new or different car... Here are some options we are considering
1. Ford Expedition - I know what you are thinking... Another Ford. Well yes. For a couple reasons, the Ford dealership here in the Mount has been really good/helpful with getting the Explorer fixed over the past few months, it is an American made car (enter Uncle Kev's speech about Toyota and USA parts), and of the American car brands they are not part of ObamaMotors - thanks for not taking taxpayer money.
2. GMC Acadia - Probably the smallest of the cars being considered.
3. GMC Yukon XLT - A few friends I know drive this or the Suburban and love it. The gas mileage on this baby is horrifying but trying to stuff the double stroller in anything smaller could be super annoying.
4. Honda Odyssey - Nooooooooo! A minivan mom. I know I have sworn it off not that long ago so I cannot believe I actually ask Lee if he would be okay with one. We really cannot justify getting the 10 passenger Sprinter Van - but the Odyssey would be a good stepping stone? Again I am not sure how the Zooper would fit into the van but we will see. A few friends have stepped up to the plate and are minivan moms too so maybe I can take the plunge?
Hopefully we will have some answers soon - before our annual DC trip...
1. Ford Expedition - I know what you are thinking... Another Ford. Well yes. For a couple reasons, the Ford dealership here in the Mount has been really good/helpful with getting the Explorer fixed over the past few months, it is an American made car (enter Uncle Kev's speech about Toyota and USA parts), and of the American car brands they are not part of ObamaMotors - thanks for not taking taxpayer money.
2. GMC Acadia - Probably the smallest of the cars being considered.
3. GMC Yukon XLT - A few friends I know drive this or the Suburban and love it. The gas mileage on this baby is horrifying but trying to stuff the double stroller in anything smaller could be super annoying.
4. Honda Odyssey - Nooooooooo! A minivan mom. I know I have sworn it off not that long ago so I cannot believe I actually ask Lee if he would be okay with one. We really cannot justify getting the 10 passenger Sprinter Van - but the Odyssey would be a good stepping stone? Again I am not sure how the Zooper would fit into the van but we will see. A few friends have stepped up to the plate and are minivan moms too so maybe I can take the plunge?
Hopefully we will have some answers soon - before our annual DC trip...
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Bouncing Babies
R loves to bounce while I sing her this song and I know she needed me to sing it this morning as she scream ate. The silliness is worth the smile
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
F is for Ford
Grrrrr.... I am having very negative vibes toward my car. Big problems consistently since October. My Ford equals grade F!!!!!! Not to mention we stood in ants for 30 minutes. Fortunately the girls were not with us....
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Images from the afternoon #13
E weaseled her way onto the lawn mower with Lee. And he thought he needed a boy : ) he cannot say no to his girls even in the 95+ heat!!!!!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
June Monthly Update
So where to begin... The weather had been INSANELY HOT in the afternoons which is no bueno on a few levels. More inside activities required and no one or two mile walk (I have seen an slight upswing on the scale : ( )
R is loving her mat. She is still horribly perplexed by having to roll from tummy to back and refuses to even give an effort. She is so happy for the first few minutes then the wailing begins. E has been stuck inside doing puzzles and coloring. I really don't let her watch PBS or anything like that. We usually will watch the news around 5:30 or 6 to see the weather and stuff and talk junk about the political ads that are being aired.
E showing R the farm puzzle.
Yes they are matching for the family reunion which we had for Lee's side of the fammy the first weekend in June. Ever since I posted a while back about matching the girls for Pascha (Easter) we have had an influx of matching outfits. I cannot complain because pretty much the only reason I buy clothes for either one of them is shoes (for E because she is a little princess when it comes to her shoe selection) OR if I see something insanely cute (My Cutie Patootie in Wil-town is a bad habit)
I could not resist this one. E loves R so much and really cannot wait to play with her.
One family pic from the reunion. 6 out of 8 eyes looking at the camera is not too bad and only one major hands in mouth obstruction!
E showing R about the importance of the Nini.
E has started wanting to sit and hold R which is physically not really all that possible because R is so so big. But this pic is AWESOME! It looks like they are deep in conversation
We got rid of the highchair so E now sits in her booster seat. I did not want a jealously issue when R starts using the highchair. This is what breakfast usually looks like.
I do not encourage this but you go to admit it is super cute!
Grrrrrr.... E destroyed one of my Anne Klein heels. Not a pair, just one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R has moved to the jumper and is skeptically excited about it.
R has also found her toes. Not much into eating them like E but who does not like baby toes.
It has been so hot that we try and go to Jibbe's pool somewhat frequently. When Papa and Jibbe are not around R has to be on the sidelines which does not last long which means the trip to the pool is short which does not justify the packing but I still do it anyways! E enjoys the pool. She is very unsure of herself and is super scared to get in sometimes and does not like to go under but I try and take her under at least once every time we go.
Doing the diggers just like Papa
Grammy distracting E before the choo-ch ride started
Grammy and R on the train
Highly skeptical of the train
On the boats!
R was so peaceful in the stroller while E did her thing. Snuggling her toes and her burp cloth!
Papa was ordained a deacon. Now E won't stop talking about the Bishop and that he lives in Ohio and he ordained Papa a deacon and Papa got cake. R and E were supertroopers that day. I really need to go through and post more pics
R with Jibbe at the ordination reception
Reading Abigail with Grandpa Joe! Papa broke down and got another Abigail book because Mama and Papa were getting tired of Abigail and the balance beam!
Tummy time! But still not into the whole rolling over thing!
E in her fish dress. She has an opinion about EVERYTHING... including what she wears to church.
With Jibbe in the pool.
We put water out for the animals because the 100 plus degree heat is crazy. E only saw the birdies but she LOVED watching them!
Papa and Mama on one of the few nights he was home early enough for family dinner (which happened to be Jibbe's birthday)
Separate but equal snuggling of the Ninis - R is getting excellent tutelage!
Seriously was not going to dress them in the same clothes but R was dressed and then I gave E at least 5 different dress options and of course she picks the one R is wearing!
Reading Luna with R. Please note her left hand is holding the book up. Future bookworms of America?
R got to see Papa!
I don't think there was any other major news interests... If I have forgotten please let me know so I can expound!
Don't vote get to show some love and click the icon below!
Don't vote get to show some love and click the icon below!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
I will take 2 new passports please
Yes we are jet setting later this year with the girls in tow for an international adventure or two. Now must start the passport application process. Hopefully I can catch E on a happy picture day. Of course R will be happy if her tummy is full!
This all should be wildly entertaining and a lot of work with some fun and potential for relaxation...
This all should be wildly entertaining and a lot of work with some fun and potential for relaxation...
Monday, July 9, 2012
Quiet car rides and completed puzzles
No MMO this week so E is home bound which makes the car ride to work much less noisy. Though I miss shouting Nani's house and looking for the Moo cows and horses.
In other news E did her first puzzle all by herself on Friday. Seriously I did not touch a piece of this while she worked on it. I was super proud of her!
R is still working on rolling over back to front and is a superstar on the jumper
In other news E did her first puzzle all by herself on Friday. Seriously I did not touch a piece of this while she worked on it. I was super proud of her!
R is still working on rolling over back to front and is a superstar on the jumper
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Mothers Evening Out Success
Being a mom is not the easiest job in the world and in fact some will argue its the hardest. Regardless moms need a break too and last night we had a nice quiet dinner out in the Mount. It was glorious and just what I needed to get me through the mounds of laundry today.
R was asleep before I left and I gave E a squeeze night night and she was fine too. Though Lee told her I was at the doctor??? I cannot wait for the questions she will have for me this morning!
R was asleep before I left and I gave E a squeeze night night and she was fine too. Though Lee told her I was at the doctor??? I cannot wait for the questions she will have for me this morning!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
God Bless America
Today we had some good old fashion family time. R was up at 5 so instead of starting the day I put her back in bed and moved to the couch and slept in until 8! Lee cooked an awesome breakfast. R went down for a nap. E and I hit up the pool. Came home. Lee whipped up some homemade ice cream and grilled out. I worked on R's stocking. E did puzzles. R got tickled. Bath and then bed.
I am highly disappointed that we did not make it to the parade we went to last year. The heat has been nasty and E would have survived it but R would have been miserable. We dvr'ed the Boston fireworks to watch with E though she has no concept of the fourth of July. Open to suggestions for good fourth activities for kids that do not hinge on the temp or weather.
I am highly disappointed that we did not make it to the parade we went to last year. The heat has been nasty and E would have survived it but R would have been miserable. We dvr'ed the Boston fireworks to watch with E though she has no concept of the fourth of July. Open to suggestions for good fourth activities for kids that do not hinge on the temp or weather.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
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