Saturday, August 17, 2019

Summer Swim 2019

Summer swim team had been over for nearly three weeks and with school starting next week it is worth recapping the season 

E had a good season. She swam at a few practices above her age group and had fun with the girls she swam with. 

Second from the left

I don't know that there were huge strides made in anything in particular but she had a fun season. Probably my most memorable moment of her swims this summer was the 25 free at the conference meet. She swam in bizarrely fast and when I asked her about it afterwards she said she just decided to not breathe for the entire lap. That certainly made a world of a difference is hopefully she'll keep up her speedy ways going into the fall season. 

R had a good season as well. She got down the butterfly and worked hard on breaststroke. Her dives need a bit of help but it is a work in progress. 

Evidence of the butterfly which is probably the hardest stroke to race - I would argue breaststroke is the hardest stroke to master the rhythm.  

This girl is forever smiling in the pool. Outside the pool when she realizes she didn't win is a bit of a different story but she is the smiliest swimmer. 

That's how she finishes the race

M had a great season thanks to the month of Y swimming before summer league. I am quite sure she would not have had the confidence to swim unassisted had she not swam in May. 

I can't say she's got the strokes truly legal but she's a pretty good backstroker like her big sisters. 

And the summer would not have been complete with her BFF from up the street!

E and R swam in a relay together which was neat!

At conference - and they all swam the same strokes which they found hilarious

Post conference CFA despite the insanely long lines!

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