Well actually it started in November. In November I got an itch to stitch - okay that was bad. Somehow I got it in my head that I wanted to stitch little E a stocking. I have never cross-stitched anything in my life but I am not one to take baby steps. (My first road race was a marathon) Maybe I am just a sucker for punishment but I am going to try and track progress on the stocking on the blog. I have already started looking for the stocking pattern I am going to do for Lee! I want to do a nutcracker!!!
Anyways with the bibi's stocking is going well. I am hoping, hoping, hoping to be finished by Christmas!
Cross stitching looks like so much fun! Is it hard at all? Maybe it is a hobby I will pick up some day...
Cross stitching is surprisingly easy! The hardest thing is keeping your place on the pattern. There is some magnetic "Stitch minder" that is AWESOME! I love the way cross stitched stockings looked for Christmas but you have to get started super super early!