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This is what my life has come to:

I finally got tired of E not having show and tell on Fridays because I forgot to reminder the night before. Yes, I need an alarm to remind me to look at the calendar. Sad I know but it works, so I do what I have to do, and you can think I'm insane because I knew that awhile ago.
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I think the last time I blogged I wrote about E flipping out over losing her tooth
Well wouldn't you know the tooth fairy showed up and gave E a gold dollar - which is so desperately wants to take for show and tell (but last Friday she was sick and this Friday they have a party... so hello 2016!). At first she couldn't find anything under her pillow and FREAKED out because she tooth was gone but we located the coin and all was well.
Sidenote - what am I to do with all my kids teeth????
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Last week involved a number of things but this was the highlight:
E's class got to ride the train. I chaperoned (man that makes me sound way old) so let's stick with I drove some kids in her class from the Mount down to Wilson so they could ride the train. All went really well except the train was (shockingly) late - thanks a bunch Amtrak. So there were 40-50 kids chatting it up in the train station, which turned to singing, which turned into take them across the street to an empty parking lot so they can get some wiggles out.
Finally the train did show up and my child, my child, my child - bawling getting on the train. Nervous? Yep. Out-Of-Her-Control/Comfort Zone? Yep. Definitely wouldn't have stayed at the platform had I know that she would have been that upset : ( Seriously she could not look at me when she was was getting on the train BUT she reportedly settled down and enjoyed the ride. She was most interested in the fact there were NO SEATBELTS on the train.
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Now last week was wacky because of the field trip but it was extra wacky because of this:
Sunday - M throws up in the middle of the night. Lee and I are prepping for all the troops to fall. The girls and I stayed home from church. We missed Uncle Kev's birthday (homemade lasagna and cake - no biggie) and I try to keep M out of everything because I'm so afraid of her getting other people sick. Surprisingly she is acting totally normal and no one else in the house gets sick.
Monday - Get a call to come pick up R because she is acting weird and has a low grade fever. Perfecto. We get home and I cannot get her temp to register over 98.4. Regardless she's acting funny so we are chalking it up to nerves about her school play
Tuesday - R cannot go to school because of the 24-hour fever rule
Wednesday - E's field trip
Thursday - E stays home with a fever but it's definitely in the 100+ category plus she's obviously feeling bad. She peps right back up and fever is gone with fever reducer so I thought we'd be good for Friday but...
Friday - E still has a fever and I desperately need her to go to school so I can work because I haven't had a normal work day this week BUT that's not possible so...
We pack up and she goes to work with me. Thank goodness I have a super understanding boss who doesn't mind me and E and A camping out in the conference room to work. You think taking one kid to work is hard? Try two. I wouldn't recommend it .
I packed books, Legos, MagnaTiles, coloring books, snack... and of course the 3.5 hours couldn't go by fast enough.
Fortunately, we have been back to our regularly scheduled program this week!
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We have been loving the 70+ degree weather...
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Besides stopping M from consuming large amounts of black crayon?
Oh the normal, taking Christmas card pictures (then wishing I had shelled out the $$$ to have someone else do it), getting through two school Christmas programs on the same night, needing to desperately blog about St. Nicholas and our other Advent activity. Another day, another blog, another time because the pattering of feet is about to begin and I still need to figure out if I need to make four or five batches of pound cake in the next 48 hours!
When we lost our teeth growing up, Mom kept them in a plastic box. Of course I didn't know that until later, but I have all my baby teeth ;)
ReplyDeleteYou could use an old medicine bottle or a mint container or anything like that. Right now all the kids teeth are in a plastic bag with the dates they lost them written on the bag, and if there was anything interesting about the loss (like Sean swallowed his first tooth in his Clif Bar). I used to try to keep track of which tooth came out when, but have abandoned that attempt at this point. ;)