Monday, March 28, 2016

Pascha 2016

By death He conquered death and to those in the tombs He granted life... 

We kicked off Easter/Pascha morning leaving Grammy's at 5:15 which meant breakfast in the van and a speeding getting dressed. 

I ironed the dresses/outfit the night before but I don't know why I bothered because everything was a wrinkly mess about an hour into matins and liturgy. I was sure I was going to wear the dress I wore last year - oh last Easter was so great! - but then I realized that wasn't feeding-A-friendly. Behavior was pretty decent given the early rise time and the 3.5 hours in church. M took off her shoes far too many times to count. R was super cute during the procession - she was carrying her banner like a fishing rod; way cute. 

Because taking a family pic is getting increasingly difficult

This is my favorite

Papa - deacon vestments
Me - Talbots top and skirt
Girls - Dresses found on eBay
A - (non-bubble/non-boy-dress) 6 month smocked Jon-Jon (less than 12 month is not easy to find) 

Then we ate lot of insanely great food and Lee left ALL THE PASCHA cheese he made at church and I'm still really : ( about it and I don't think he understands how : ( I am about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Searching for baskets round 1

Uncle Kev set up 'Easter lights' and hid the baskets in the basement. It was a huge hit. They found baskets with books and dresses after some fun searching. 

Then I hid everyone's baskets during rest time except A's.

Since the kids don't need any-more-candy, we give them the sugary cereal they like. A got his first cereal and sip cup. He's a fan of cereal. 

Oh and in addition to the cereal, the girls got 2 Tiny Saints keychains. Decorations for backpacks? Yes please. 

For dinner we were treated to awesome lamb chops courtesy of Grammy and Lee. Then we had to leave and the drive home is always a bummer after such a good time! I think I could use an extra day to recover but alas I wasn't afforded that. 

Happy Easter y'all!

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