I have posted in forever. No we didn't get washed away by Mateo. I'm not talking about him yet. Also A takes OVER the post...
A eats Exhibit 1:




Must savor

Totally caught by M because I let him share some of her after soccer game snack : )

He is so cute
A trying to figure out how in the world to keep up with the big kids and not do permanent damage to his knees...

A and I had lunch at the bodega with Nani (so long ago now I cannot remember)... And I came across this:

I need this piece in my entry way about half as deep and three times as long and with a bottom with cubbies for wine bottles. So maybe not my vision doesn't exactly look like this but I have a vision. I need something for our darkish, very narrow entryway that I can store stuff and hid all the school papers.

Nani took A for a cycle ride (because she's awesome and keeps a tricycle at work)
And all I could think was I need to make a recording so she could sound her own alarm as she goes through the warehouse. PLEASE if you have any inexpensive ideas to make this digital bike bell my dream come true, hit me up.
Here's the Wildlife news from one afternoon
A peaceful green frog with its hands in a heart shape
A super vicious looking spider that wasn't poisonous so she got shooed away with Papa's broom. The web he was making was nice.
Evidence of A eating... Exhibit #2
Who's is whose?
E - of course went for the sour patch kids, and gummy worms and a dash of chocolate things
M - Would have taken the whole lot but opted for syrup, m&Ms and those sprinkle things
R - The girl after my heart; chocolate ice cream and syrup and sprinkles and Reese pieces
So we kind of owed the girls a trip for ice cream since well last soccer season when E tallied her goal scoring amount, plus we missed the ice cream social for the summer swim team (plus E got a special recognition) AND M had scored her first goal (recently) so we finally made good on it after church. But the shop was CLOSED even though online it said they were OPEN. So scuttle home. Consume lunch. Race back. Pro tip - don't get frozen yogurt early in the day - most of the flavors AREN'T frozen yet!
The goal scorer
The first timer...
If you have not been privileged with the chance to watch a baby eat ice cream for the first time...
So cold
How can something so cold taste so good?
Operation ice cream = success
Such a pretty evening...

Cleaning up and remember the weekend of fun that made those drawings

The pets were blessed this week at school because well it was St. Francis' feast day... In Latin because, I am told, the English translations don't ACTUALLY bless anything. Like the prayers talk about animals and hint at a blessing but hello let's get a decent translation for the sake of all of us who are not familiar with Latin. Come on USCCB... step up the translation game please and thanks.
A completed one of his many lifelong goals...

Tearing down a blind or whatever those crazy sectional things are called. I was hustling everyone out the door to tee ball game soooooo he wasn't even reprimanded plus he was insanely cute and it was only one.
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