Thursday, November 29, 2012


Here is what's been going on lately..

E - Sleeping in her big girl bed, very excited about going to the beach, loving her 2 yr old class, grappling with the items that she will be giving St. Nicholas - we really want E to voluntarily give up a few toys so St. Nicholas can take them to kids who don't have them

R - A two-toother, mama just pulled the plug on the bottle and R is doing well with the sippy cup - did I mention I really don't like sippy cups because really they should be called leaky cups, sleeping in a pack and play because we are having some crib lowering malfunctions, starting to pull up, loving MMO and her little boy friend

Me - reading a book which is making me question all the distraction/noise in my life - I am trying to turn down the volume and be a better listener, master list for the beach trip has been made and the 4th bedroom will be transformed into the master packing station, got the carseat airport adapter - I'll be sure to take some pics, gathering St. Nicholas items for the girls but I think Mama and Papa's stuff is going to stay at home, de-stressing and keep telling myself that the trip is going to be a blast and not to worry about work (I'm a horrible worry-er)

Papa - working... as usual but it is nice to have him home in the afternoons more, reading... what else is new - I think his office is going to run out of space for books in the somewhat near future at the rate that they are being delivered to the house

Well that's it really. I will do a few posts on packing and the airport and stuff.... Hopefully I will get R's stocking done before Christmas!

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