E was hestitent to want to go to VBS in the first place because it is not like she has a ton of friends going or she really knows any one who goes to our local Roman Catholic parish. So Papa decided to volunteer but then they had volunteer overload so he was not needed. I'm grateful for that parish for a number of reasons and I should connect with more families there… I digress
I was not really sure how she would fair. But E totally rocked it. She came back jabbering about her 'work' she needed to do (coloring) and she filled out her prayer stars. She 'had' to fix her bag because the foam stickers just wouldn't stay on.
{Insert hot glue gun here}
E got her regular glue and the glue gun and I tried to convince her that the regular glue would not go well with the glue gun… "But she WANTED to do the glue" soooo…
R and I supervised the glue gunning. E loaded up the back with a healthy dose of hot glue and I stuck on the stickers for her - she was not keen on the idea of the hot stickers so I really just had to make sure she did not get the tip close to her face/hair.
Otherwise, I really have no idea what they are doing in class because E 'doesn't know' what they did or who is in her class or who her teachers are. Well I mean she comes home with coloring pages and little crafts so I get the idea but Hello! details please : )
I usually get a full-detailed description of dessert (which she has imposed no dessert on herself after dinner so she can eat dessert at VBS). First it was twinkies, then cupcakes I think and last night was cinnamon sticks with whipped cream. At 8:30.
I thought there were 50 flavors or Dum-Dums Lee thought 10… turns out there are 20 Self investigation rather than googling is way more fun! |
Sunday night E was bouncing off the walls until a good 10 pm and then she finally crashed. Maybe it is a combo of our kids are usually in bed between 7-7:30 plus a bit of, dessert at our house usually consists of a dum-dum or small Tootsie Roll (from the Treeeeeeeeet Box - just ask R) regardless I'm just going to "Let it Go" (because we are still singing Frozen around here) and let E soak up her time at VBS : )
We've had this conversation for the past two nights:
Me - How was VBS?
E - Good
Me - What did you do?
E - I don't know
Me - Who's in your class?
E - I dunno
Me - What's your teacher's name?
E - I don't know... Fr. Meares did not give us a little blessing today
Me - Why not? {knowing Monday is his day off}
E - Because he only gives little blessings on Sundays
Oh and every morning E asks if she gets to go back to VBS tonight and she plans out who is going to take her and who is going to pick her up so I think next week she is going to be super bummed… because I have heard
"Mama can I go back to VBS EVERY night?"
E is already planning for next year (actually in 2 yrs) when R can come too!