Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Post Dinner Activities According to a 10 month old

Sooo this is how M's evening shook out….

Say what… you are leaving me here??? You have to give the big girls a shower?!?!? WHAT ABOUT ME?????????????????

Oh well I guess sitting at my high chair is not so bad but I hear R screaming in the background about her post-shower towel, potty, pajamas problems etc etc etc

WHY?!?!? Is this taking her so long? Oh that's probably because E is screaming in the shower about how she got soap in her eye and didn't use conditioner (even though we did) and how there's a problem with the towel

I'll probably stop crying now because I'm not being heard

Oh yeah… now she comes and wants to take pictures of me 

Let's get this bath time party started… because she's finally getting me out

Oh I'm almost 10 months and stuck in the bebe bath tub

I'll bet my sisters were outta this thing when they were 6 months (truth)… 

This is the life!

Oh sweet… She could not find a a bath towel in the laundry room? Oh that's nothing new… So what'd she do? Grab the towel from the baptism from Sunday… A little extra Chrism anyone? 

So that's a wrap. Survival of three 4 and under has it's challenges (and that was just 13 minutes of the night) BUT that's not NEARLY what my cousin is going through with his little man who was diagnosed with leukodystrophy - a super rare, genetic disease. If you got an extra minute spare a prayer for him and his family and if you have any interest in doing #burpeesforbobby here's what you do

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