Thursday, September 1, 2016

The First Days of Schools...

Tis the season, right? 

I could have (and maybe should have) broken this post into 3 individual ones... one per kid but preschool started (accidentally I'm told) a week early so 2 first days in one week = justified : ) 

I labeled all E's stuff the night before. She didn't go shopping with me this year for supplies because that's #complicated and she's a bit #picky. I did make legit attempts to find her a Rey or Leia folder but after spending waaaay to much time I realized it wasn't going to happen. 

Same headphones and bookbag (but she threw a tearful fit over the size or lack thereof this morning because folder + reading book + lunchbox = #supersized)

Waffles which can only mean one thing - BAKING POWDER not baking soda #mixedthemupbefore actually #twice



1st grade

No teeth

Pippy longstockings

Everyone's looking but E was in a shadow #takingkidspicprobs

Hey there is a whole another person visible this year!

Then it was R and M's turn to try their hand at the first day of school thing... 

New shoes and R's pencil box but I still owe Mrs. Wanda about 75% of R's supplies #thankgoodnessitsjustprek

I could probably write an entire post on how these bookbags show the personalities of the little girls who wear them

Their breakfast pick... Pumpkin muffins! #gonnabuy10casesthisyear


Except not looking : ) 

But this time she is!

#cannotpleasethemall #itoldhershecouldnotholdA

She is so cute and she happens to know it

2 yr old class

So excited to have her own bookbag

Probably one of the best kid pics I've taken in a while

So ready to go

Nervous but ready!

Some things worth remembering from the first week...

E,R - Bantering in the van
Me - R, wouldn't you like to hear about E's first day?
R - Nooo (like the heck no, kind of no. Like of course I don't, kind of no)
Me - Okaaay

Me - So you used one folder for homework and what did you use your glitter folder for?
E - Poultry
Me - What did you say?
E - Poultry!
Me - Poultry?
Me - So you have a folder for chickens?
E - I guess soooo...

(thanks to a wise parent in the class, we discovered it is a POETRY folder - just for the record)

Also, R and her BFF/the one she's getting married to (according to her) were coordinating on the first day. He was in a yellow shirt and I PROMISE you his mother and I did not plan it. It was sweet especially since this is their last year together #lovebirds

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