Must do blog post; must do blog post…
Feeling especially grateful for today for all our blessings and thinking of our friends and family who have lost little ones - Wednesday was Infant Loss Awareness Day. Also, if you could spare a prayer for Lindsay and here crew? I so enjoy reading her blog; it is a calming read as I live through the craziness of life.
How it is possible that M's birthday is a mere 2ish weeks away? Yeah. That's a fantastic question since I have no idea. You can see how excited she is about it which pretty much sums up my sentiments...
I'll accept it… I guess. But only because I have to.
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Now what to get this soon-to-be birthday girl? Do we need another baby doll or toy or outfit or ANYTHING? No. But she'll probably end up with an assortment including but not limited to those. M LOVES playing with the big girls Duplos so I think the girls should get her a little set so M can claim her stake in the Duplo assembling.
However, one afternoon when all was quiet because it was rest time M found something and she dragged in around with her for a good 25 minutes. It was the sweetest thing to watch. She banged it on the chairs and kitchen toys and then figured out how to crawl with it in hand. She loved it.
Too bad 1 yr olds should not have a set of markers : )
Have I mentioned my kids have the oddest sleeping habits?
I showed Lee this picture and I told him maybe we are wrong about the way we sleep all normal and flat on our backs…
Oh and M does own items to cover her legs they just happen to SERIOUSLY hinder the poor kid on the hardwood floors : )
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Just to further my point about odd sleeping locations/positions...
Goodness gracious this child ADORES her Papa so much - but I've already mentioned that. Now that he is home (sometimes) in the afternoon E goes up and colors her papers while Lee works. I get she was just extra sleepy this day.
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M is so ready to play with the big kids. Except she needs to get this whole walking this down before...
Oh and chalk is not for eating thing too.
The big kids play this game of frog with our neighbors and some how R ALWAYS ends up being the frog (which she loves) and she ribbits and hops around chasing the bigger kids. We are not sure of the origins of the game but suspect it might have something to do with the frog that got smushed by the garage door. Regardless, it is hilarious to watch.
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On tap for dinner tonight…
Black bean quesadillas (or burritos for the girls). Man I am so glad that the girls like black beans because I would eat them more often but Lee is not a fan… oh and they happen to promote healthy digestion too.
The more I look at this picture the more it looks like half a pancake with strawberries and whipped cream but alas it is a quesadilla with salsa and sour cream : )
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
Happy almost birthday to M! You are right on the crazy sleeping positions. I'm thinking if I tried sleeping that way though I'd be sorry come morning.