Live from Sunset Beach...
1. How did you celebrate the 4th of July? (Or, for you international types . . . Do anything fun this weekend?)
Papa made breakfast and it was awesome. Then there was a small emergency(s) at work that took 45 minutes to take care of.
I threw the big girls outside in the back. M was way mad.
He got home. I got caught up on all ironing. He made bread for church.
The girls found a MASSIVE yellow jackets nest under their playset so they transferred to the front yard and played in the sprinkler amongst other things.
Papa grilled cheeseburgers - and they were awesome.
Everyone was showered and put to rest.
I packed and did laundry. And made these:

Easiest 4th of July dessert EVER
Because we were going here:

Homemaking tor-til-las
To eat:

Mexican-American goodness courtesy of Nani - oh and NEVER EVER stir the rice and you must scoop from the side lest you get your wrist smacked with a hot spatula (j/k about the spatula part)

No complaints from the peanut gallery

Fresh homemade tortillas #forthewin
Then we rushed out the door and encountered this on the way:

Rain + 4th of July = no bueno
It cleared up and I couldn't help but think of Noah and the covenant
To a 4th of July celebration at the girls preschool which rivals that of the City's - or so I'm told.
Obligatory family pic
The girls played in a bouncy house and somehow they didn't even ask for ice cream or Sno-Balls as we made our way back to our spot:
To wait:
It really did seem like forever
For these:

M's reaction was a definite no-to-the-thanks but she was fine:

R freaked out several times but at the end declared she liked the fireworks:

New baby was like.. what is going on out there:
My thought was ain't no way you could pay me to be one of the guys lighting those things:

See the flames down there???
Lee proclaimed it a success and the finale was really great.
Tradition for next year? Quite possibly. But somehow we need to incorporate that AMAZING 4th of July cake Grammy made last year!
2. Do you sunburn easily?
I don't burn too badly. Last week I went out to the pool without sunscreen - on purpose - to get a little base burn for our few days at the beach this week and I think it worked. M's a burner though for sure!
3. Hot dogs. Yay or nay?
4. Have you ever personally set off fireworks?
No and after seeing those guys light the fireworks last night I cannot say I want to. The girls and I will stick to our sparklers every so often and that's enough of a pyrotechnic adrenaline rush I need.
5. Have you ever jumped off the high dive?
6. Do you do anything weird in your sleep?
Well I have a case of nasty pregnant insomnia which will cause me to be up for 2-3 hours at the time during the middle of the night and usually I'm too frustrated and annoyed to actually accomplish anything
I am suffering from pregnancy insomnia too! Not fun at all. Those strawberries look delicious :)
ReplyDeleteThey are so easy! You should try them!!!
DeleteI can't believe the girls stayed up late enough to watch fireworks! John Paul and Cecilia were whining about being tired by 8:30 so we gave up and did them while it was still light out :P
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure why they powered through it but somehow they did. I think I might have pushed back naps until later but M should have been a looney tune but she wasn't either