Yesterday we were spoiled by family and friends!
1. My mother in law spent the day cooking and helping with the girls. She cooked my all time fab chicken pastry - yes you should be jealous.
2. Super great family friend gave R her very own Nini and hat and bunting bag. E is obsessed with her Nini. She will only suck her thumb when she has her finger in her Nini. She gave R's a try but then promptly ran and got hers.
3. R's godmother came by and brought her a little cross for her room.
4. My parents came up and brought some tasty Martin Grad party food.
5. Uncle Kevin came by on his way back to the coast.
6. Other great fan friends visited us in the hospital and gave R some temp appropriate clothes - it is 2.5 degrees here!
I think E is enjoying the benefits of R getting showered with new things because she has added at least 5 new animals to her collection.
Things with R have been going well she loves to sleep and occasionally eat.
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