What is it like traveling as a family of 4? Hmmm... Can we say thank goodness for Lands End tote bags? I looked around my parents house when we stayed with them and all I can see is piles of our stuff! E's diaper bag, clothes bag, new bows from Grammy, and toys. R's diaper bag, clothes bag, new clothes in the laundry room from Grammy that she washed, bouncy seat, car seat, nursing pillow, blankets, presents from my 2nd mom (it's a long story : ). My junk. Lee's stuff. Our little piles are everywhere!
It is insane how much stuff we drag around - much to my brother/sister-in laws delight! I'll have to post a pic of Lee loaded down with bags just for their amusement.
On a lighter note since both I and my bro were home you can bet there were Famous Amos cookies in the pantry for us to raid. I LOVE coming home to that - among other things. I think he had been in the box first because the bag was definitely not rolled up tightly.
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