The weather was nice some days in December which is hard to believe because we've had a pretty rough January and February.
E had her Christmas program at her preschool and it was super cute. I wish the camera we had took better video. We went through a small camera crisis this month and I think we tried out 3 different cameras before settling on one.
Friends at the Christmas program
Soaking up so Vitamin D.
Crisis in the little red car. I guess two kids aren't supposed to ride in them at one time.
Tasting the air...
Watering the tree
We survived Christmas Liturgy!
And even managed to keep the bows in our hair
All set for Christmas morning
Uncle Kev giving E's scooter a try
Taking pictures with three under four is... interesting
We had fun unwrapping
Uncle Kev provides hours of endless entertainment
Christmas dinner table is ready
Not to be to Grinchy here but I thought we got a bad deal on our tree and then went I went to put the lights on, the color strands did not work. Small tree + white lights = Kibbe Family Charlie Brown tree... It grew on us though
Whipped cream with your fruit salad anyone?
We love looking at pictures on cell phones
M was received into the Church
Obligatory family pic
With M's godparents
Phew... Three sacraments in one day is tiring when you are only 7 weeks old!
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