Speaking of fundraiser. Next weekend we have the distinct pleasure of hosting our parish kielbasa aka sausage makers at our house. It will be a good time for all. After having lived through it last year with a toddler and infant and now I have a toddler and almost toddler (yes R is almost walking - well kinda she finally figured out pulling up the other day - GO R!!!) Anyway, I won't get into the stinky details about this sausage but I am clearing out everything from the dining area to the kitchen and laundry room back. The pork somehow ends up getting everywhere and the casing - well they are casings. If I could make a Yankee Candle Scent of "Sausage Making" I would totally do it so you all could smell the glory of what these sausage makers smell for 10 hours. BUT! I won't do that... You should know if you live in NC and you like kielbasa (or pierogi for that matter) and want to support a good cause - get some of the sausage it is pretty darn awesome. So leave a comment and I'll hook you up with the details.
Now along the same line of church topics... I am coordinating our booth at a local Catholic conference. Nice. Except I found out this week that said conference has a 'no child 10 and under policy'. Now since we have a booth there I am not going to go into a rant mode. I will simply pose the question, IF the Catholic Church teaches the stuff it does about families, family size, babies etc etc AND since the conference is definitely geared toward a Catholic audience THEN what am I missing here? Okay enough said - no longer upset just slightly peaved. No I am not going to leave my kids all day and pay a babysitter so I can go to this conference. I know that Papa will be there because there is a speaker whom I know he wants to meet so he and other parishioners will have to hold down the fort.
Moving on. R's bday.... Well the party was kind of a bust with the girls being sick. Grammy and Grandpa Joe braved the sick house and brought homemade soup and of course the cake!!! R had another birthday celebrating midweek at Jibbe's she was a (cup)cake eating pro at that point so the pics (which I need to post) are a bit more of what you would expect for a birthday cake smash. In total she raked in 4 babies (no live ones, thanks Auntie C for asking for clarification : ), 5 puzzles, 1 Dumbo Elephant (she loves his nose), Ernie (now she and E can be matching- I think E is more excited about it), 1 spring dress (and E has one too - matching again), 1 saving account (my pleas for practical things have been heard!!!!) and 1 insanely pleasant noise making toy (which R happens to love and dances to and everything - It is a sunny day, a perfect to play at the playground... yes I know all the words... already : )
How about Valentine's Day??? I did not do heart shaped toast like last year but I squeaked out some cupcakes and frosting - all fast friendly/Lent legal - whatever you want. They weren't too bad either! E helped with the batter for both cupcakes and frosting which was mildly entertaining. This was after her little preschool class party which I got crafty and sent this little Chinese food takeout boxes (new and appropriately colors for Valentine's Day - along with this crazy
Speaking of church... last night. By the end of it while I was standing in the back with R who had been wailing for AT LEAST the last half of the service - I almost started laughing. There was nothing I could do for her. She was just mad and up past her bedtime - which I totally thought she could handle. Apparently I was very wrong and everyone at church knew about it. It did not help I thought it was going to be in the 1 hr range and not 1 hr and 45 minutes!!! The first hour she was pretty manageable. ALSO, she is teething and desperately wants to crawl on the icky dirty floor!!! I happen to have a special affection for Presanctified Liturgy as it was the first Eastern Catholic service I attended - and pretty much got me hooked. If you have never been I highly recommend going at least once to check it out!
Finally I have no idea what happened on Downton Abbey this week and among other things it has been nice to be disconnect from Facebook and TV... not that I will get used to it but turning things/noise whatever down has been a much needed break.
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