Friday, February 1, 2013

Siete Quick Takes

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Hello Friday! We have some crazy weekends ahead... I mean CRAZY. Trips to Raleigh. Birthday parties. The last football game of the season. Trip to Ohio. Sausage making. Seriously people. I think I am going to start looking forward to Mondays : )
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Deep in the trenches of a great theological debate with a super great friend. Have you ever had one of those? The kind that force you to know more and defend your beliefs. Yeah there are pretty great and so so so interesting. One thing that we have established before the debate/discussion began was 1. we respect the other's views and 2. we are not having the debate to try and change the other's mind/opinion/view... Yep this friend's a keeper : )
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Got the girls signed up for swim lessons in February - aka walk them around in the pool as they chase after a floating object. I have no idea how I am going to get pics this time because we had some great ones of E but somehow I will figure it out. I think we might have to include this in R's birthday because for real... Well this better be worth it!

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Which leads me to another point... Several people including Uncle Kevin have been asking for what to get R for her birthday... Seriously I have no idea. And looks like we're going swimming for her birthday so that is taken : ) and E/we are getting her a baby doll. So bring on the baby dolls or something? Really what does a one yr old need... An unlimited supply of Veggie Crunchers and Yogurt Melts.

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While we are on the birthday topic. We have a 1 yr old birthday party to go to on Saturday. I let E pick out a present for him - it is a bucket and shovel - makes sense because when it does get warm I can totally see him digging around - but I think I am going to throw in some of R's favorite snacks because seriously I think that is what she would want her little boyfriend to have! There are going to be some super cute pictures for sure.

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Lee and I have been trying to escape for dinner for a few weeks now and go out before Lent starts. With Meatfare in two days looks like we'll be opting for some cheesy seafood next week if we can swing a night out. Though us girls had a great night out the other night. Seriously enjoying meeting/eating outside the office : )

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Ahh... so the end of the football season is well here... finally! The Heels are not having a great bball season so maybe we'll start watching them more or watch/go see the Hurricanes. We watched them play Boston and lose in the last 2 minutes of the game. It was exciting but pitiful. 

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