Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Survey Says...

So I got this interesting link from a super great friend of mine. The article/poll/survey is about moms with a focus on moms with three kids... As this will be a reality in some months I gave it a read. While there is no conclusive evidence basically moms with three kids are the most stressed. So clearly the solution would have been to have twins and solve this three problem - I guess after three you reach critical mass of some sorts. Well twins weren't in the cards so three it is. (Though my Dad's mom had two singletons and then twins - she successfully avoided the three). I'll keep you posted on my take on the stressfulness of three. Any of you mamas of three or more think its overly crazy with three but not four or five? I read your blogs I know you are out there.

I have heard the same thing about the 7th year of marriage. Supposedly the 7th year of marriage is supposed to be the most difficult/trying.

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  1. gah I have seen this going around. It stresses me out just looking at it!

    1. So the way to unstress the situation - just on the basis of the article - would be to have another one, right? Okay just kidding : ) You are probably the most stressed out, hard working, patience having mom that I know!!!

  2. I haven't read the article, but I have seen it buzzing around. I will saw three was actually one of the easiest transitions for me, she really just fit right in! I had my first two less than a year apart and then number 2 and 3 are almost 3 years apart. My hardest adjustment has been having 5, 3 of those are still in diapers and not full talkers, so I blame it on that! We homeschool and I stick to a daily routine, everyone just falls into step with the pattern of the house!

    1. Have multiple in diapers is rough. We had six months of double duty diapers last year. When E decided to use the potty it was like a weight (and an expense) had been lifted from our shoulders. Fortunately, E was very vocal when R was born. R is starting to use words now when she wants things... Cup, nana (which is all food to her)... even those two words is so helpful to get to the bottom of what she needs/wants!
