She'll be lucky if she needs a haircut before she goes to Kindergarten!
Now these are two of the three of us:
As you may gather from the pic they don't just want a trim. We did that last summer - which was great. But they are ready for a real chop of lengthy proportions. And I'm over arguing over 'do we REALLY have to brush our hair' because the answer is yes. Now that swim team is over, we don't have to worry about getting hair into swim caps or hair braided for swim practice - because anyone with long hair knows swimming can put a number on hair in a ponytail - we can go with something on the shorter side.
Then there is me. I haven't gotten my hair cut since R was baptized so we'll say 3.25 years. Yeah it has been a while.
Among the three of us we have double digits of inches of hair that needs to be chopped SOOOOOOO being the practical person I am we are going to do something with our hair
Locks of Love and Pantene Beautiful Lengths
Locks of Love
- people under the age of 21 can apply for a wig
- donation hair length must be 10 inches
Pantese Beautiful Lenths
- woman who have lost their hair to cancer can apply for a wig
- donation hair length must be 8 inches
I've always donated my hair to Locks of Love. I'm not married to donating to them. Anyone have an option? Thoughts? Guesses as to how many inches we will collectively cut?
I don't recall all the specifics, but when we were researching for donating my daughter's hair, I was not happy with Locks of Love. We went with Pantene.