Saturday, May 27, 2017

Cinco de Baby-o

Dear Baby K numero cinco,

In three weeks from now (or sooner, but please please please please please not sooner) you will lay eyes on me, your Papa and your four big sibs who have been patiently awaiting your arrival. Kind of crazy, isn't it. For nine months we've waited for you, we've talked about you, we've been asked a million questions about you, heck we even got a new van just for you.

As I sit and type this at 5:30 on Saturday morning - if I have my way - we'll be on our way to the hospital to see you in 21 days. However, I'm thinking (but not hoping) I won't have my way and I won't be induced. If that's the case you'll be the first ever early baby - so let's not break that trend.

Everyone is super excited to meet you and right under meeting you is knowing your name. Since we have a naming scheme going on people can make some educated guesses about your name and there's lots of mystery and excitement over 'what letter' you will be. Heck, I want to know too. I know of a few baby girls born this year that you will share a name with if you are a girl but I haven't heard the boy one yet but it is fantastic - you won't be disappointed.

I think almost everyone is hoping that your big brother will getting a running mate - someone he can show how to throw a ball and tote a broom around - like a boss - and run after his sisters and terrorize them and think it is HILARIOUS. However, your Papa has been on team girl since day one because A is such a mama's boy it may be tough for him to share the spotlight with a brother. If that's the case you have got an awesome team of three big sisters who will teach you all about dolls, parading around the house in dress up and ballet performances and singing, lots of singing.

So basically you are covered either way. Whoever you are little baby, you are so loved already even though we haven't met you yet.

Let's meet up in 21 days and about 4 hours?

Okay, sounds great.


Your fam

PS - You are stuck with us. Forever and ever so while things may seem a little wild, you'll be fine. You are ours. You will probably teach us so many things because your Papa and I are still trying to figure out this whole parenting thing. We aren't perfect. We'll admit when we are wrong. We just want the best for you. And at the end of every day, we love you - and we always have and always will.

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