Before it got into the negative degree marks outside the first of the week started off in excellent Spring weather form. R sat and watched and 'helped' me pull up weeds in our weed yard. We are having TruGreen come and spray and there is definitely some weed death going on but I'm just helping the process along.
Also on our fun time outside this week E&R played with the boys up the street - S&J. E took a ride in the PowerWheels and then declared it was not fun. She proceeded to make solid attempts at riding a scooter. R pushed a firetruck around. Seriously boys are so rough. Their mama is used to it but I think my heart skipped a few beats watching the brothers roughhouse.

E has learned about the joys of flossing. She 'flosses' every night. She got horribly upset when 'her floss' roll was used up. We got her straight though.

And Sunday was St. Patrick's Day. No we did not eat corned beef sandwiches - I think its on the menu for after Pascha. Grammy sent these super cute outfits for the girls BUT I only had my iPhone and the other camera is full of zoo pics so I think we'll have to have a green day again soon.

In some not so fun news Papa might have to go under the knife in a few weeks : ( Pray for him and the crazy pain he's in now - and will have to deal with through Holy Week
Ahhhh Holy Week.... Saturday is Lazarus Saturday. Sunday is Palm Sunday. Monday is Annunciation (3/25) on our calendar in the West is has been moved/suppressed whatever. Wednesday is Presanctified with Annointing of the Sick - everyone gets anointed. Thursday is Holy Thursday long-ness. Friday is Good Friday Entombment Vespers - a service I happen to really enjoy but with the girls I have low expectations. Saturday is Holy Saturday. Sunday is PASCHA!!!!! Woot!!! The girls and I are likely signed up for Sunday/W/R/F/Sunday.
E and I have been practicing 'Christ is Risen from the dead, by death He conquered death, and to those in the tombs He granted life'. She likes it. Then she wants to sing Away in the Manager... Seasonal confusion but hey she's 2!
E and I have been practicing 'Christ is Risen from the dead, by death He conquered death, and to those in the tombs He granted life'. She likes it. Then she wants to sing Away in the Manager... Seasonal confusion but hey she's 2!

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