Friday, November 15, 2013

7 Quick Takes - Newborn Essentials in our house!

Guide to Surviving Life with a newborn - ok not really but here's a few things that have made the transition a bit easier

--- 1 ---

I have raved about the MyBrestFriend before and I'll do it again. Love this nursing pillow so much. My BrestFriend + hospital baby wrapper + kiddopotamus = how we make it through the night 

Touchdown baby!

--- 2 ---

Got Diapers?
J&J Night time cream - the off brands don't smell the same : ) 
Rubbing Alcohol to clean the cord
Diaper Rash cream
Baby Q-tips 
Pink swaddling sock

All highly practical items to have around...

--- 3 ---

Okay so this is actually the footstool for my rocker but it won't fit so it is on my bedside table... complete with:

Paci - which M has not had ANY interest in
Phone charger
Icon? - why not, right?

Also pictured - nightlight - yes I can sleep with it on and a package of 900 wipes...

--- 4 ---

Rocker/glider... It is by far the single best purchase I have made (from Craigslist) that is the most comfortable piece of furniture to rock/nurse a baby. Good glider = worth every dime.

And the cord hanging from the top pic is this little baby contraption. Breastpump = necessary. Pump to comfort = motto of the lactation consultant who happens to be insanely well versed in all things baby/nursing.

--- 5 ---

Oh and it is freezing... Well actually not really but it is to me. So it is an excellent excuse to use a spaceheater at night and keep the room nice and toasty for me and M. Plus the carrier has the BundleMe insert which has been a lifesaver on these cold preschool drop off mornings : )

--- 6 ---

My sister in law brought me this trail mix when she came up and visited M. She had it portioned out in these little baggies and let me tell you it is awesome. 

Dry roasted peanuts
Reeses Pieces 
Chocolate Chips

I finished up what she brought so I had to make my own and in the process got a neighbor and Lee hooked on it. In my mix there is the bittersweet chocolate chips and it adds a twist on the flavor and there's a little less sugar than the regular chocolate chips. 

Pretty sure I'll be living on this stuff for the next few months. 

Mix yourself up a batch and you'll be hooked

--- 7 ---

Well I'll actually need another pack or two of these because everyone has showered M (and our fam-mee) with so much generosity - clothes, diapers, meals, wipes, our favorite Land's End bags and this...

M's NiNi, probably the single most anticipated and special and sentimental item that M will get. It's worthy of its own post because there is kind of a necessary backstory - part of which I'll share. 
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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1 comment:

  1. I am very jealous of your trail mix. (Except I like cashews better than peanuts. Craisins and chocolate chips, though? NOM NOM NOM.)

    Also, you have ridiculously cute children.
