Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WWRW - Volume 9

Team Captain

Still reading the same book from last time...

but since it is 1500+ pages I guess that's okay


Ehhhh… I have picked up the Brain Child book once. Not really in a good reading mood. Probably because I don't really know what I want to read next. Have you read the article about the family who had 12 kids how they paid for college? If you haven't go check it out and tell me what you think. I think there are some legitimate points to be taken away from it but it seems quite rigid. My favorite thing to take away from it is the building/rebuilding of a car. I know just about zilch about cars so I think it would be AWESOME for our kids to learn about cars by rebuilding them. Uncle Kev - are you game for overseeing this : )


The March edition of High Five came in the mail the other day so High Five has been atop of E's reading requests.

She totally looks like she could be reading… right?

R has seemed a bit interested in the High Five Archive binder that I have made but seriously the girl cannot sit through a fourth of the magazine. Which is funny to me because I remember E sitting and intently listening to High Fives when she was close to 2. There's probably a lot more going on around R so I'm not horribly surprised she won't sit still.


Maybe I'll start reading her Buenas Noches Luna before bed… I'll check in next week and let you know if that's actually happened : )

Got any other suggestions? I could totally get into this link up because I REALLY SHOULD READ MORE!!!!

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