My hope for this short series of posts is to help/encourage/prove that celebrating Advent is doable even with little ones. One might argue it necessary to teach kids about seasons and times of preparation and times of celebration
Okay this post is HORRIBLY overdue in terms of the fact we are almost through with the third week of Advent but you know how we roll.
Here's our weekly preparation schedule:
1. Daily - The Jesse Tree
2. Daily - O Come Emmanuel
3. Weekly - Act of Service/Charity - you get the point
1. The Jesse Tree - LOVE IT. So much. If you never done a Jesse Tree… DO IT. If you think a Jesse Tree is hokey get the set that we have. It is for real. And really, really, really good. I think I'm getting more out of it than the girls. They like looking at the ornaments and deciding where to put them and actually tolerate listening to the Bible passage each day.
2. Singing O Come Emmanuel - Yes about that. I still have not made a copy for the house yet. But it it going. E chimes in occasionally and generally keeps me in a better mood on the way to school rather than getting impatient with Rocky Mount's CRAZIEST drivers
3. Act of Giving Back… This week we went shopping for the food pantry at the local Roman Catholic church - which is why this post is so late because we just when shopping Saturday. Thanksgiving and preparations for it kinda/always throw us for a bit of a loop so better late than never...
Close up of M because I just cannot handle the cuteness...
Making our exodus from Sam's Club - our stuff is mixed in there too. When we checked out I asked Lee how much he thought it would be and I guess maybe $5-$10 more than him… Turns out we were about $80 off from our guesses! Grrr… Sam's is a money pit and diapers are SO expensive!

Moving on… We actually haven't BROUGHT the food by the church yet. Maybe it will happen today. Maybe. I have the pile of food sitting by the garage door and M has helped herself to a can of tuna. She rode around with the tuna on her little bug for at least 15 minutes. Now I know what to get her for Christmas!

On tap is continued going through of stuff to giving to St. Nicholas. We did some sorting yesterday. Friday we go over to our pastor's house for vespers (oh the joys of sharing a church - but seriously last year it was totally great so I'm not complaining merely giving background as to why we wouldn't be at church : ) and then St. Nicholas might just show up for a moment or two. He's still not sure what to say yet but I'm sure he'll come up with something… ahem…
Me - So what are you going to say on Friday?
Lee - What's Friday?
Me - St. Nicholas Day…
Lee - I don't know what do you think I should talk about?
Me -….
Lee - Sharin'
Me - Sharon????
Lee - Shar-ring
{promise we've been married for 6 years and we still don't completely understand each other!}
O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny ;From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory o'er the grave.
Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
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