The girls and I did our usual load up and get out of dodge during nap time to get to Liturgy for Christmas. We actually did surprisingly well...
After church we went to our priest's house for Holy Supper and carols which was fun. M was melting down by the end of it but we powered through knowing Grammy's was a short drive away. On the way I realized I had forgotten the girls' stockings!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!! Oh well. Next year no way I'll forget them : )
Obligatory Christmas Picture
M's face... she's so silly!
I'm not one to post pics of myself but I know Lee was super proud of this present. A Roomba!!! I had mentioned we should get a Roomba and run it all the time. Well that's what I got so the floors have been much more tidy over the past few days and we intend on keeping it that way! Plus Roomba is so interesting to watch
E showing M the present that E gave her... She was proud
Dad opening the present that we gave him which was the same thing he gave Lee and Uncle Kev. It was funny : )
BFFs... except it is very onesided
Giving the new bikes a try... Except the hill is tough
I think we should have gotten M a dogbed... Or maybe a dog : )

After craziness (E did okay... there was a meltdown or two which is so hard because gratefulness is not just something you can enforce like obedience, it is more learned; R was funny, she had a great time; M was still mostly oblivious to everything) we had breakfast casserole = awesome. Lee had to make a sick call for church. The girls rested super early and while that was happening a got to catch up with some friends who I don't think I've seen in two years?
Then dinner was again fantastic and dessert was, well, if you ever think you cannot eat anymore because you've eaten too much for dinner but then you just have to make space for this dessert because it was just that good - that's how it was.
We loaded up le 'van and headed back home. I am so thankful that our families live close by and we don't have to drive (or fly) hours upon hours for holidays and other visits.
Merry Christmas y'all!

I think it may have been more than two years! For some reason I think I was pregnant with Michael last time? Maybe not. Oh well, it was so good to see you!
ReplyDeleteActually you are right... Maybe it was the Pascha or summer before Michael was born!!!!!!! I hope Jon gets a job in NC so we can see y'all more!