Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shoe Crisis!!!

This morning it was cold and wet (here's to fall weather) and of all morning to be concerned about which shoes she wears - today E chose to care. She has three main pairs of shoes- black mary jane's (I think?), brown boots and pink moccasins (on sale from Hanna last year). Clearly pink shoes with out because the soles of them are soft and I don't think they would survive the rain.

E wanted to wear her black shoes that do not completely cover her feet/stockings which clearly would not bode well in the rain but she got them out anyways and proceeded to put them on - on the wrong feet! I told her that the boots would be better and set those out for her and took off the black shoes. Screams and tears ensued. Really over shoes! I cannot wait to see what she'll pick out for middle school that will inevitably be axed and the screams and tears that go along with that. I think I'm okay with the screams and tears of an 18 month old than a 13 year old!

Fortunately Papa came home (he just had to run out for work) with his boots on and E was much more... hmmm open? to her boots. Crisis averted, problem solved : )

Happy almost-Wednesday!

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