Sunday, January 5, 2014

7 Quick Takes... On Sunday Evening

Randos... maybe I'll get around to doing an in depth post soonish... 

--- 1 ---

Best thank you card ever... curiousity of none other than Uncle Kev. Complete with stickers and drawings on the envelope and card. MUST. SEND. MORE. THANK YOU NOTES!!! As soon as I get down with the Christmas and baptism batch it will be time to write them for R's bday!

--- 2 ---

Ant bites on toddler feet

Speaking of that nearly two-yr-old (cannot believe it)...when it was 70 degrees in December the crazy girl decides walking through an ant hill in the yard would be a fantastic idea. I semi-freak out and rush her inside to get her feet washed, put her Crocs back on and release her into the wilderness of our front yard and what does she do... WALK THROUGH IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Bad plan girl, bad plan 

--- 3 ---

The last few weeks/days of Advent were an activity flop (thanks to me!) and I need to recap it and announce my grand plan for Advent next year!

--- 4 ---

E - Mama, I finally got a scooter!!!

Uncle Kev in shorts when it is 2.5 degrees outside

Oh and I owe the blog-go--sphere a Christmas post and a M baptism post so look out for those!

--- 5 ---

I baked for Christmas... Notes on my one baking project... Get Christmas M&Ms early because Wallys does not have them the 31st of December... I settled for Hershey's looking M&Ms. Also, unwrapping the Hugs and Kisses is way time consuming. Finally, I need to let the Hugs and Kisses melt a bit more in the oven. 

--- 6 ---

R and Papa


And it is swim class time. Papa's favorite activity EVER. We did decide that getting out of the house is really good especially since we aren't going outside much these days. Anyhow, R is in the parent-tot class and E is in the big kid class. And if by class I mean private lesson because they are the only ones signed up which is AWESOME because private lessons would have been twice as expensive

R had a fantastic time and E semi-patiently looked on. Then E was up to bat while Papa and R went to the store. She had a blast. Swim time = generally good naps which is an added bonus. 

--- 7 ---

E went to a birthday party over the weekend... Kids were getting their faces painted and I totally did not want to be the mom that said No. I seriously thought about saying no because I was more concerned about the fallout during the bath that would occur later that evening. E was sketched out by the clown doing the face painting at first so I thought I would not have to worry about it but then she totally was into it... Butterfly wings to complete the look. 

We got home and I told her that it was tub night and that she needed to let me snap a pic of her face paint so she could remember it. She did. Then I told her to look in the mirror and tell her face paint goodbye and she did and then that was the end of it. 

Oh man, what a week we will have...

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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