Monday, January 27, 2014

Testing Amazon's 1-Day Shipping

Since it is t-minus hmmm… hours now until we are snowed in for days, I thought I would put Amazon's overnight shipping policy to the test. Last week we had our little blizzard down South and I came to the unfortunate realization that the girls were lacking in proper snowwear (okay that should totally be a compound word).

I may or may not have let R out of the casa without mittens or gloves. She tried to wear some of mine but clearly, CLEARY they were massive. E had some non-waterproof gloves that proved to be better than R's gloving situation but not by much. With our one SINGLE snowstorm (see that is a compound word) of last week I thought NC had gotten our rationing of snow for the season.

See what happens when I get to thinking?

Well we are getting an encore performance of last week's school-stopping blizzard… ummm… TOMORROW. Please see figure below

Thanks WRAL. We're in the dark blue but super close to the purple

Last night I was getting semi-ready for the needing glove dilemma. First stop, Amazon. PRIME baby, Prime. As it was Sunday the shipping cycle did not really kick in until today. I found some ultimate ski gloves for both girls. I am still confused on the sizing and put them in my cart and told Lee the price and said gloves were vetoed on a promised Target-o run. Welp, the Target run did not happen and at 4pm this afternoon with 3-5 inches of white, fluffy goodness on its way, said gloves were placed back into our Amazon Shopping Cart - one day shipping was applied (which you have to pay the fee for each item, it is not a flat next day rate?!?!?) and I have already been stalking the site for my tracking number.

Come on Amazon, don't let a mother down here!!!

PS… I seriously considered getting these crazy snow bibs for R since E has a hand-me-down from her cousins and they worked like a champ… But I am thinking I'll hit up a consignment shop for one of those soon-ish just to have it on hand.

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  1. We get snow for months and my kids don't have gloves!

    Let me know if you like those.

    1. : ) Yes but you have boys. I think boys are boys at a young age and will do whatever they want whenever they want because they think it's fun. So they can be obvious to how cold it is because snow is fun.

      R lasted all of 4 minutes outside the other day because she was so dang cold - as in - crying because she's cold but crying because she does not want to go inside.

      I'll let you know about these. They have good ratings on Amazon so I am hopeful.
