This weekend was a great one probably on for the books! Lee had to work so The girls and I did the whole stay at home and clean thing with some success. Bathrooms were done - E helped R slept and surfaces were wiped or dusted. Did not vacuum but Lee did that yesterday.
Not exciting I know. E wore underwear all morning and went through about 5 pair - good thing it was wash day too- and one successful trip. We got a potty watch at Wally's among other things.
No the most exciting things happened after chores and shopping. Two great friends from college drove from the Hill to visit - they brought some Amazing food fresh from the D-town farmers market, along with great conversation and a Carolina bball win ( lets not discuss the FSU game). Sadly they had to go but it was fun to feel like we were in college again.
Not more than 30 min later guest nĂºmero dos arrives straight from Spain! A friend from way back in the day swung by for a quick visit before jet setting back to Europe. I think I live vicariously through her awesome adventures.
Then it was time for the clocks to spring forward. Vacuuming did not happen and clothes were left in the washer and dryer because I was too tired to do anything else - unfortunately it's a habit but I would like to break it.
Overall very nice weekend!
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