Just to quote one of our fav bedtime Dr Seuss books.
When E was born my mom and I took her to get her feet done and I don't mean a pedicure. I made her first little feeties tile for Lee for Fathers Day. About a year later we did another one. It's a sweet little tradition I started that will carry on until feet or hand prints don't fit on those tiles.
Now it was Rs turn only it was not a surprise for Lee because he came along. We got the footprints no problem though I am bummed they were not more centered so I could do her name at the top. Then enter my creative juices - please note the sarcasm - R was screaming her eyes out I was trying to figure out what the heck to decorate the tile with and Lee was trying to calm R down. I did the first layer of paint - you have to do three - then Lees creative skills were tested as he finished layers two and three so I could feed R / stop the madness of the screams!
The tile was getting fired this week so it will be ready for pick up soon
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