Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Images from the Afternoon # 1

Well these are actually from yesterday afternoon when the girls and I were holding down the Swimworld fort by ourselves because Papa and Jibbe has class. Please note I did not have E's proper Nini which caused massive controversy during the initial intro to naptime and resulted in the faux Nini getting the toss - along with multiple items if clothing!

R is giving me the are you talking to me face!!! Love her : ) but her shrills make me cringe but usually she is not much if a screamer

Everything was great until 4:30. E was up R was up and I would have left but someone was coming to talk about an AG pool sooo I was rescued temporarily by E's favorite Maria who was giving her straw gulls of tea at 6 weeks and ALWAYS took her to see the duckies at the lake!

We made it home. My sister in laws mom brought some goodies for E and R and a chocolate pie and whipped cream for me - I will start my diet next week. Got everyone settled and in bed without too much stress. I am always surprised what I accomplish when Lee is out of town.

Now that he is back lets see if I can keep up the productive pm habit....

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