2019 started with a shoulda been surprise trip to Costa Rica for the kids except some of them knew about it which only slightly annoyed me. They still talk about going while it was an insane amount of work to make it happen hearing them talk about it definitely validates the effort.
Home for less than 10 days from CR, I went to Chile for 10 days for work-ish trip. That was amazingly great and amazingly hard leaving the kids for that long.
February kicked off my Valentine's Day gifts to the kids which was a TRUE surprise outing with me. My pick on everything - though I did have to tell E we were going skiing because she hurt her arm at school and I needed to know just how serious it was. I loved the one-on-one time with them and picking something fun I knew they'd love. A is desperate to go back to Monster Jam but I am not so we'll see who wins out.
March started with Lee getting the flu and a canceled trip to China and huge PRAISE that Lee was the one and only flu victim in the house by God's grace. The girls went on an overnight AHG trip and Lee cooked up a storm for the St Patrick's Day dance at school.
April was a mix of Pascha, school, soccer, swimming and began what has been the longest pool season (aka Papa working Monday-Saturday) to date. M swam with the other big girls at the Y which proved to give her a great start for summer season.

May is month I don't complain about. It is hands down crazy and I have just given into the end-of-year everythings plus soccer plus Lee's crazy hours for work. I surrender to the crazy and choose to find the joys in it instead of wish the whole month would hurry up and be over.
We transitioned to summer in June with Nash Rec opening and school being OUT. There were camps, and swimming and lots of popsicles at the pool.
July brought the beach trip with my family, the fourth of July spent here with the fireworks getting RAINED out which was the whole point of us leaving the beach when we did. There was lots more swimming and a sleep-away camp for E and lice - which was awful and to top that off I a work trip so I left our (amazing) summer sitter and (an insanely) great friend to nit pick the girls hair while I was gone. That was just crazy. To top everything off when I got back the lawn guys dinged a rock into a van window and we had a rental (non-church-van) for two weeks. #foreverchurchvan
August started out rough and tough - with the never-ending pool season and all the lice and window drama, it was nice to know the routine of the school year was near as was the birth of baby #6. We survived the summer pregnant and I knew once we'd need to get into our groove before baby came. I think someone got a tooth pulled this month, several cavities were filled and that just added to the NEVER ending weekly doctor and dentist and OB visits that seemed to be taking over my life but little did I know...
September came with swimming and soccer and choir for E and people settling into school life. All was well until A had the abscess on his leg which tallied up 6 days straight at medical facilities - including the abscess drainage which drainage is a total misnomer and was more like let's cut open your leg and squeeze a really big pimple. Fun times at 39 weeks and 6 days pregnant. J's arrival was such a welcome ending to the crazy of the month. Honestly the birth was easy compared to the week leading up to it.
October. October was like July deja-vu in some ways for a few reasons. Lice and broken windows. In the third week of J's life I found lice in C's hair and then all hell broke loose when someone found lice in my hair. Did you know there are professional nitpickers? Because there are and they will come to your house and nitpick your hair - for a fee of course - but it was definitely worth the thousands of pennies I paid. Everyone in the house was oiled, combed and showered and hair dried over the course of 3 weeks because C and I had it. It was one of the most arduous things I have done. But I really tried to remember parents that I know/knew of who had or were in the process of their kids going through cancer treatments and how they most certainly would have loved to have been nitpicking their child's hair rather than watching in fall out. #perspective
November actually brought the broken window when I had to take J to get his tongue lasered in Chapel Hill. His posterior tongue tie was causing an insane amount of pain when he nursed - maybe if I hadn't done this before I wouldn't have known better but I also probably would have quit nursing because it was stupid painful. The whole diagnosis and getting that organized was an act of congress and then I had to put my mama foot down and say - this is how we are doing it because you aren't taking my 4 week old into the OR to fix his tongue tie. I had that conversation on the day the lice appeared so I was probably in a more elevated emotional state than normal. Anyhow, the lasering was great, easy and quick - it just took an 1.5 hr long ride there AND back to get it done and on the way back a big old rock dinged windshield of the van - so broken might be an overstatement but there is a very noticeable ding in the windshield despite Safelite filling it. Thy guy who came was like, there is a less than 5% chance that this could make your whole windshield crack and I told him with the summer I had had, I would probably bank on an explosion - which it didn't : )
December brought Advent and Christmas and all their respective glories. We had a good Advent. I think some of the action/Advent giving back activities were not as defined or well thought out as I would have liked as they had been in years past but I guess having a baby around changes things. After Christmas we hunkered down with A and M and their lack of tonsils which was a barrel of monkeys but not as terrible as it could have been.
Honestly, 2019 was a tough but fun year. There were some so many happy times - welcoming another baby boy, Costa Rica, Chile, V-day trips, coaching a ton of soccer games, spending hours at Nash Rec and nearly conquering a full day there - all so great. But I would be remiss to say there were some pretty low lows - I could do a post on how lice is a modern day plague. The good times will always outshine the tough times and thank the Lord for family and friends to see us through.
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