Tuesday, December 10, 2013

On the a Second week of Advent...

The Kibbes learned... Dee-dee-dee

Papa was in charge
And that's a bummer...
Because he forgot to take pics
But that's okaaaaay!

He was charge of the food purchasing aspect for the Fishes and Loaves pantry at OLPH. That is what he decided for us to do during the second week. It was a cold, wet day he took the big girls while I was at work - no school the day before Turkey Day. So no pics from that!

We took the food by the church one afternoon about a week later (we are running behind a bit with completing activities)... That was interesting and disappointing because we loaded up the girls and I wanted E to be able to kind of see where the food was going or at least put it in the basket/box at church BUT the office was locked/ NO ONE WOULD OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

R in the zone after nap...

Say What?!?!? The office is locked 

Hateful iPhone camera is not taking good pics these days

So then we played on the playground and looked at the tree Papa planted when he went to school there and then Papa took it the next day when he went to Mass.

Totally need improving on this activity for next year but E did talk about 'food for the people who do not have breakfast' (cereal was on the needed list) so I think we got somewhere...

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