The van post church

Now this van was 100% item free before we loaded up... I think that some of this disaster area is due to the following sequence of events:
Friday 4 pm - load up van at Jibbes house
5:30 - van gets completely unloaded
Saturday 9 am - load up van for E's swim class
2:30 pm - Lee completely unloads all papers and trash; reloads with weekend supplies
4:15 - get ready for wedding in the van
8:10 - get ready for night-night post-wedding, pre-meltdown (in van)
Sunday 7:30 am - load up van at Grammy and Grandpa Joe's
8 - get ready for church in van
So we had 4 different outfits that were changed in the van in the span of 14 hours? Impressed? We had a great time at the wedding which was a good distraction from the madness of moving back into the house plus always great to see people from the old stomping ground. We actually got a fantastic family pic courtesy of Uncle Kev and the imaginary dog that was in the camera (only way we got E to look at the camera). That's on the 'real' camera whose battery is SLOWLY dying without a charger...
In the off chance you are interested in all the items I can point out from that pic (kinda like Where's Waldo in the Kibbe Odyssey?)
R's yellow diaper bag - only half way filled/usable
E's pink plaid dress for the wedding
E's 'Tutu' pink/green/blue dress from Saturday before wedding (on top of middle seat)
Belk bag that contained E's pink plaid dress
R's purple striped dress from Saturday before wedding
R's pink bow shoes for church
E's black tights from wedding (lower left)
Hanger from one of the church dresses?
E's pink crocs
Wipes - crucial I tell you, crucial
One of E's pink socks from night-night
One of R's black sparkle shoes from wedding
One of E's black flower shoes from wedding/church
Green brush with no hair ties on handle
R's black and plaid dress from wedding
E's Hanna Andersson Ariel pajamas (seriously they are her favs)
R's pajamas
E's pink Nini
E - in white tights and polka dot dress
E - purple tights with Nini
(Note no dirty diapers present!)
Could we star in our own Honda Odyssey commercial? Yeah we totally could and make it interesting and you know what I just got that infant carrier installed this afternoon... Honda - call me when you're interested.

Too funny! Boy does that look familiar!!! LOL!