Thursday, September 26, 2013

Theme Thursday - Out

Toys out.

Kid in.

What is the deal with kids taking all the toys out of the toy box and then getting in them?

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  1. I should take a 'before and after' shot of my storage ottoman, a victim of this kind of 'play'. Perfect shot and great example of the theme!

    1. You should see it when there are cousins around. There have been 2-3 kids and no toys on multiple occasions. Makes for a bit of a mess but a great pic!

  2. We have that same Noahs Arc toy and it and its contents are currently also NOT in the toy box... along with just about every other toy we own.

    1. Some nights are better than other went it comes to putting toys back IN the toy box. Sometimes I care and others I am too tired to care. Though the rule in our house is - if we have asked for the toys to be cleaned up and they are not put away... They get taken away - kinda harsh? Maybe. But you'd be surprised the stuff they play with when there is a limited toy selection!

  3. Boy does that bring back memories of my kids when they were that age. How funny that it is so universal yet so not understandable!
