So so so much fun and crazy stuff has gone down in the Kibbe Family history books of 2015 here's some of my favorites:
Survived a week home with the 3 girls when Papa went to CA for a retreat. I had just found out I was pregnant - it was a week to remember : )

We celebrated R's 3rd birthday and I was in the throws of the 1st trimester so there are about 2.5 blog posts from that month. I also attempted pancakes with baking soda instead of baking powder and it was awful - then I managed to do the EXACT SAME THING for M's birthday.

It snowed just about every week it seemed like. We got a sweet video of us sledding down the hill in our neighborhood. I got the dreaded phone call from Lee when I went on a business trip and then succumbed to the fate of the girls when I got home
Announcement of Kibbe Party of Six. M went down in the books as the first kid to go to the ER. I coached two soccer teams. It was a good month

This my favorite picture from this month mainly because I think of R crossing that finish line and it makes me smile. We survived one heck of a week that took not only one, but two posts to tell about it.

This pic pretty much summed up our summer - no not really but we had an awesome time at the pool.

Man this was an epic month. We rehearsed getting out the door on-time for kindergarten. We convinced Papa to go to the beach for a day. We cut off and donated a meter of hair. I survived E going to kindergarten (and I feel like I have been fossilizing ever since). Papa and I went on our first baby moon (of sorts)

We got into the kindergarten groove. R started her preschool. We waited on baby. We spent a lot of time outside. The girls played soccer. I coached soccer (with the help of some dads who weren't intimidated by a handful of 4-5 yr old girls : )


Linked up to Week in My Life - which always my favorite link-up of the year.
E lost her first tooth. We celebrated Advent. We made it through two school Christmas programs in one night! The Grandmas saved Christmas. And I'm so far behind on posting you have no idea what I'm talking about.
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